10 Superfoods That Are Good For You


Chia Seeds

These do-it-all superseeds are good for your head with their high content of omega fatty acids that increase healthy brain function, but have also proven to be good for your heart by fighting high cholesterol and heart disease. They even boast a wide variety of nutrients, such as: protein, fiber, amino acids, vitamins, minerals, iron, calcium and antioxidants.


Coconut Oil

If you are exercising for weight loss then coconut oil will be an important ingredient for you. The fatty acids in this superfood fight body fat by converting into energy that boosts metabolism as opposed to animal derived saturated fats that add body fat. Use one tablespoon of coconut oil in your green smoothie for breakfast and you should notice less of yourself in the mirror in no time.


Flax Seeds

Flax seed is best known for its fatty acids and fiber. This powder plays its part in proper cardiovascular and immune system health, brain function, joint function, soft skin, and more. The fiber in flax is also good for many things, but especially effective with eliminating toxins from your body.

flax seed

Goji Berries

Goji berries are known for their healing strength. The nutrients included in these berries are antioxidants and amino acids, but the real strength lies within their more than 20 vitamins and minerals. These precious nutrients have been used for centuries in Asian cultures to strengthen eyesight, fight against viruses, balance hormones, and even to assist with the longevity of life.



Of course, superfoods aren’t always made from glamorous plants. Sometimes they are made from pond algae, like Spirulina. Though its taste may be subpar, its high content of everything nutritious makes up for it. Spirulina’s top two ingredients are protein and omega fatty acids. We highly recommended it to anyone who has recently taken on the challenge to eat vegetarian. Use anywhere from one to two teaspoons of spirulina in your daily smoothie.


Cacao Powder

Cacao powder and Nibs Cacao is filled with two things that we love: antioxidants and chocolatey flavor! The antioxidants boost your immune system which helps to resist those nasty colds and sickness. The rich, chocolatey flavor is delicious and dessert-like which helps to resist those sugar cravings while still satisfying your sweet tooth.



We always have avocados on our counter. They are a big part of our diet. We toss them in smoothies, make guacamole and constantly eat them by themselves. These green gems contain almost 20 vitamins, heart-healthy  fats , minerals and beneficial plant compounds that will keep your skin glowing and your tummy full longer.


Hemp Protein

At times it can be difficult to receive the proper amounts of protein and fiber that our bodies need in a healthy way. Hemp protein powder makes it a little easier boasting whopping 50% protein content and much higher levels of fiber than soy-based protein powder. The hemp content is also kid friendly, as it encourages childhood growth through its amino acids. Athletes can also turn to this superfood for its ability to repair muscles. You can add one to four tablespoons of hemp protein, which has a much stronger taste. You can also buy hemp hearts and sprinkle one to two tablespoons of top of smoothies or add to your salads for a nutty, protein packed punch.


Camu Powder

Camu is all about the “C” that it starts with… Vitamin C. Camu berries come from the Peruvian river regions and are packed with more vitamin C than any orange you’ll ever eat. Vitamin C has been linked with stronger immune systems and protection against viruses helping you fight off those nasty colds, and may even help to keep your skin healthy and vibrant. Camu powder’s tart taste works well with all kinds of fruits.



This smooth superfood is popular for its mispronunciation (uh-sigh-ee), but even more popular for keeping you fiery and full. These Brazilian berries are loaded with antioxidants that boost your body’s energy and ability to focus. Their protein and fiber will also keep you feeling full making the Acai berry (or powder) a weight fighting superhero.


Content credit http://www.supergreensmoothies.com